Monday, September 26, 2011

Some good, some not so good

Good news - I got the jackets finished and the tops and waistbands finished.  If all would have gone according to plan all I would have left is to attach skirts, insert zippers and hem!  TaDa!  But that's not how it worked out!  One of the dresses is too small - too small to even let out the seam allowances and make it fit!  FRUSTRATING!  How does that happen?  I measured, I pinned the pattern on the girls, I made notes and cut the fabric out with all the correct measurements and changes to each piece.  AND STILL it did not fit!  Sigh....

So, tonight I will recut and sew this top in correct proportions!  At least her jacket fit perfectly.  I should be back on track after tonight.

For more frustrating news, I only lost 1/2 a pound this week.  That means no bonus points for my game!  My team will HATE me.  Boo-hoo.  On the bright side - I lost 1/2 a pound!  :) 

Does anyone realize that yesterday was 3 months until Christmas?  Just sayin'...

I hope to have more to say tomorrow.  Bye, now.