Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My God is Awesome/He can move mountains/Keep me in the valley/Hide me from the rain
My God is Awesome/Heals me when I’m broken/Strength where I’ve been weakened/
Forever He will reign…
My God is Awesome/Savior of the whole world/Giver of Salvation/By His stripes I am healed
My God is Awesome/Today I am forgiven/His grace is why I’m living/Praise His Holy name

This was the song that was playing on the radio on my drive in to work this morning.  What a wonderful, refreshing way to begin my day!

Last night the girls and I began a new bible study on becoming a submissive wife according to God's divine plan.  Kirstyn had been busy cleaning the kitchen and eating her 2 cups of veggies (why she didn't eat them earlier with her meal, I'll never know!) while Malissia ran back and forth from my room to her bedroom to check her phone and see if she got a text or missed call from "someone special"!  The cat continuously purred and bumped his forehead against anything he thought might scratch him.  I have no idea where the dog was....  Finally they settled down enough to concentrate.  They piled up on my bed, leaving me no choice but to curl up in the recliner!  :) 

I can see that this will be no small bible study, but will encompass many aspects of the wife's daily role as a help meet to her husband, a mother to her children and a worker for the Lord.  If we are not submissive to God how can we ever hope to be submissive to our husband?  The first step towards following that plan is to have a direct line of communication.  To completely understand what is needed, required, in a relationship - what each party expects - they need to be able to talk.

To me, the most important line of communication is between myself and God.  Prayer.  It is the basis, the most fundamental part, of a relationship with Christ.  The scriptures give us many examples of prayer - when to pray, where to pray, how to pray, who to pray for, what to pray for...the most single example of this is the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13.  He does not ask us to "repeat after him" this simple prayer, rather he asks that we pray "after this manner".  Clearly verse 7 states, "but when you pray, do not use vain repetitions, as the heathen do...."

I explained to the girls that I like to review the Lord's Prayer in my mind as I pray - it helps me stay focused on the many things I need to touch on while I pray.  Clearly it shows that the beginning and ending of each prayer is to be used to glorify and magnify God, to give Him praise for who He is.  I petition God for my needs and the needs of others, for forgiveness and for grace to forgive others.  I pray for strength for my trials and temptations, for deliverance of the cares in this life that plague me.  When I end my prayer in praise to Him, it gives me such a sweet chance to worship and glorify Him.  I've never heard God speak audibly to me, but I have heard him speak to my heart, known Him to change my mind and thoughts, felt Him fill my soul with peace and joy and love.  Nothing compares to the joy of the Holy Ghost when it floods your soul.

Many times in my life, through prayer He has been able to show me myself, in all of my imperfections and misconceptions.  He has shown me that most of the time it's not the other person at fault, it's me.  He has given me opportunity to make right wrongs I committed, even unknowingly.  He answers my prayers.  I've seen miracles time and again.  Healings of the body, of marriages, of lives and souls that were on the verge of destruction.  I've seen him provide when jobs were lost, money was insufficient, and needs seemed impossible to meet.  All answers to prayers.  Had I not prayed and made supplication to Him, He wouldn't have been able to show these things to me and I would not have the faith in Him that I cherish.

To me, this is very similar to the communication between a husband and wife.  It is imperative that your relationship is such that you can begin and end your day uplifting and encouraging each other.  All throughout the day you should be able to go to each other with needs and concerns and be able to listen to each other, even constructive criticism, to become more what the other needs and more firmly establish yourselves to each other.  Marriage is a bond like no other and to be able to talk and nurture each other is a gift that keeps on giving and growing.

That being said, I gave them their first challenge - to find a way to incorporate prayer into their daily lives so that it becomes an integral part of their day.    They need to have a plan, a goal, by tonight.  Then we will discuss implementing that plan immediately.  I can't wait to see where this will take us.  What an exciting journey it will be.  I love my daughters, and my son, unconditionally and with my whole heart.  It is my utmost desire that they live for God first and have a loving, lifelong marriage second and a fulfilled, happy family and life third.

K.  Bye, now.

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